This event has already taken place, and is shown here for information only.
The event write-up and recording can be found here: Successful Schools of Sanctuary Webinar Showcases Best Practice | Schools of Sanctuary (
A webinar for all current Schools of Sanctuary and those interested in joining or supporting the network to find out about the Schools of Sanctuary Stream and share stories and activities from across the network.
In this online event we will:
- outline the process of becoming a School of Sanctuary;
- explain the Learn/ Embed/ Share criteria;
- discuss what it means to be a School of Sanctuary;
- and hear from schools in the network to share examples of activities and policies they have adopted.
We hope this conversation will highlight the diversity of contexts for being a School of Sanctuary, motivate those considering to apply and inspire all schools with new ideas and activities. Attendees will hear from a range of schools and have the opportunity to ask questions.