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Sign an organisation pledge

Any organisation, regardless of legal status, can show their affiliation with us by signing up as a Supporting Organisation by signing the organisation pledge.

“We support the ‘City of Sanctuary’ vision that the UK will be a welcoming place of safety for all and proud to offer sanctuary to people fleeing violence and persecution.

We endorse the City of Sanctuary Charter, and agree to act in accordance with City of Sanctuary values and apply the network principles within our work (as far as our specific context enables us to).

We recognise the contribution of people seeking sanctuary. People seeking sanctuary are welcomed, included and supported within our context.

We are willing for our organisation’s name to be added to a list of supporters of City of Sanctuary, linked to our website. We are also willing to be contacted by City of Sanctuary with further ideas for how we can turn our support into practical action and to discuss ways we might work together to promote the vision further.”

You may also wish to make a voluntary annual donation (scroll below for suggested amounts) to show your solidarity. Make a donation as a supporting organisation (general) and a prospective School of Sanctuary below.

All supporting organisations will be listed on our Supporting Organisations page and can use our Supporting Organisation logo.

You can make any donation but we suggest the following amounts based on an organisation’s income levels
Organisations with income under £5000Free
Organisations with income £5,000 to £100,000£50
Organisations with income £100,000 to £200,000£100
Organisations with income £200,000 to £500,000£150
Organisations with income over £500,000£250