Restrictive rules are keeping refugee families apart.
City of Sanctuary is part of the Families Together campaign to extend family reunion for refugees and reintroduce Legal Aid for applications.
Restrictive rules are keeping refugee families apart.
City of Sanctuary is part of the Families Together campaign to extend family reunion for refugees and reintroduce Legal Aid for applications.
The Families Together coalition is made up of a number of organisations. The campaign is calling for:
1. Child refugees in the UK to have the right to sponsor their close family so they can rebuild their lives together and help them integrate in their new community
2. The definition of who qualifies as family to be expanded so that young people who have turned 18 and elderly parents can live in safety with their families in the UK
3. The reintroduction of legal aid so refugees who have lost everything have the support they need to afford and navigate the complicated process of being reunited with their families
Government guidance on family reunion (2016)
Refugee family reunion policy briefing from Refugee Action (Feb 2016)
The British Red Cross ‘Surviving to Thriving’ project have produced a series of videos, including this one on family reunion.
‘Safe but not Settled: The impact of family separation on refugees in the UK’ – a report by Refugee Council and Oxfam (2018)
‘Not so straightforward: the need for qualified legal support in refugee family reunion’ – a report from the British Red Cross (2015)