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Join us for the Great Get Together

The friends and family of Jo Cox, along with a growing movement of organisations, have planned to mark the anniversary of her death with The Great Get Together.

Over the weekend of 17th-18th June, communities and neighbours will come together, to share food and to celebrate what we hold in common.

A get together can be anything from a street party to a picnic, from a barbecue to a bakeoff. What matters will be whether it brings people together and contributes to building one of the UK’s biggest ever community events.

A diverse range of individuals organisations have come on board already including The Big Lunch, Help for Heroes, GirlGuiding, The Scouts Association, The Royal British Legion, RNLI, RSPB, Oxfam, The Premier League, The Archbishop of Canterbury, The Chief Rabbi, The Catholic Church of England and Wales and many more.

Jo’s killing was aimed at dividing us – and the Great Get Together will hope to show that there is more that unites us than divides us.

Here is a one page summary with more information on the plans so far including ways you can get involved:

  1. Sign up as a supporting organisation: please email [email protected]g.

  1. Let your supporters and members know about The Great Get Together: here’s a flier for you to send, or get in touch and we can send you other.

  1. Share the announcement of The Great Get Together via social media. See our Twitter: @Get_Together and Facebook:

  1. Join the team: we’re looking for organisations who want to get involved. If you have reach or skills in key areas, we’d love to hear from you email: [email protected]g


City of Sanctuary is proud to be supporting the Great Get Together. We encourage our groups to organise events where they are, and have attached more information at the bottom of the page. If you plan to hold an event where you are, please do let the coordinators know at [email protected]g.

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