Contact your local City of Sanctuary group for information about specialist services in your area.
Useful Links
Create a CV with Templates – easy online CV builder
Interview Training: Free courses from Future Learn, How to Become and ‘Acing the Interview‘ – a collection of resources from BlueBottleBiz provided free to the CoS network (contact joanna@cityofsanctuary if you are unable to access this)
Sona Circle is a networking and recruitment platform that enables refugees around the world to locate jobs and support services.
TERN (The Entrepreneurial Refugee Network) is a social enterprise and nonprofit supporting refugee entrepreneurs in the creation and development of their businesses.
The Refugee Employment Network a membership network which aims to ensure that refugees in the UK can access appropriate, fulfilling, paid employment or self-employment.
The Network of Migrant Innovators is a partnership of user-led community projects and organizations in West Midlands delivering innovative solutions to meeting the local needs of Refugee, Asylum Seeker, and Migrant communities.
Growing Points – provide mentoring and support for people to realise their ambitions.
Code Your Future – a non-profit organisation training refugees with coding and and web development skills.
Breaking Barriers supports refugees in London to acquire the knowledge, confidence and experience they need to secure stable and fulfilling jobs.
If you are a health care professional – see links for support in Refugee Health Professionals
Starbucks Employment Support Programme have useful career advice including how to ensure your job application meets the person specification.