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Archived Event: Strategic approaches to embedding sanctuary across council service areas

This event has already taken place, and is shown here for information only.

Date: 15 Mar 2022

Time: 12:00-13:30

Venue: Zoom

Local Authority

We were thrilled that 91 representatives from 46 local authorities registered to join our session on strategic approaches to embedding sanctuary across council services on the 15th of March. Despite interruptions, we managed to hear from 3 fantastic LAs pursuing the ‘Council of Sanctuary’ award and to really get into the details of how ALL service areas can be inclusive and accessible to people of sanctuary seeking background.

Please see the recording and slides below

1. Recording from Thematic Network Meeting on Strategic Approaches

Watch here

2. Slides Introduction/refresher on the Council of Sanctuary Award, Application Fee, and an Update on Ukraine

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3. Case Study 1: Liverpool City Council

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4. Case Study 2: Bristol City Council

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5. Case Study 3: Swansea Council

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