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Archived Event: Local Authority Thematic Network Meeting: Move-On Support

This event has already taken place, and is shown here for information only.

Date: 4 Oct 2022

Time: 12:00-13:30

Venue: via zoom

Local Authority

As hosting placements for Ukrainian refugees begin to end, Local Authorities will be under considerable pressure to find long-term accommodation. Though re-matching with a new host may temporarily ease some of the pressure on housing teams, the problem of supporting people into suitable move-on accommodation will continue to be a considerable challenge in the context of housing shortages.

In addition, with the roll out of the full dispersal model across the country many councils will benefit from putting in place proactive approaches to preventing homelessness for all refugees following a positive decision.


  1. Newcastle City Council Slides:
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2. Newcastle Survey HFU

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3. Newport City of Sanctuary

  • The Gap Project. The team have been managing a hard to let housing association property and are about to acquire a second which will house single refugees. The team has developed relationships with estate agents to help people of sanctuary seeking background access the private rented sector.

4. Coventry Refugee and Migrant Centre: 

  • HFU support team funded by the city council is taking on the matching function and work with hosts.
  • See more information on their Supported Accommodation for refugees

5. York City of Sanctuary:

  • Have placed 9 families with private landlords, they are also encouraging transition to lodging arrangements, and running media campaigns to bring more private landlords on board.
  • YorHome council lettings agency with management option- working with private landlords

6.  Refugees at Home

  • More information about traditional hosting schemes and how they can form a part of the housing options mix

7. Other noteworthy examples shared in breakout rooms:

  • Transition to lodging arrangements
  • Considering a wider access to Rent/Deposit guarantee schemes
  • Uplifting thank-you payments hosts for the winter period- funded by councils
  • Conversations with MOD and universities regarding temporary/interim housing
  • Re-matching for HFU out of list of hosts where guests never arrived (not only EOI list)
  • longer term options: meanwhile housing: Social Bite