This event has already taken place, and is shown here for information only.
Implementing a Skills Development Package for Refugees and People Seeking Asylum
Many thanks to everyone who was able to come to the event on the 3rd of February. It was a well attended, participative session and we hope that you found the materials useful as a possible tool for the work that you undertake. A good few networking connections were also made.
Thanks again to the SWAPWest team for this great work and for providing such an interesting workshop.
Here are the links to the session and presentation slides:
FETI is an Erasmus+ project, funded by the European Commission, to improve the prospects of refugees and people seeking asylum by identifying their Personal, Social and Learning to Learn competence levels.
Where and how was the project carried out?
Together with SWAPWest in Scotland, the partners from Belgium. Norway, Italy and Turkey have researched local needs and resources currently available to assist with the development and implementation of a Skills Development Package, enabling adult education organisations to encourage self-assessment of the PSL competences by their target groups.
Target groups of refugees and people seeking asylum have taken part in pilot activities and an evaluation of the impact of this is currently being carried out.
This event was led by Helen Cormack, Development Officer from SWAPWest and jointly supported by SCAPP and Universities of Sanctuary.