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Archived Event: City of Sanctuary Regional Groups Assessment Training

This event has already taken place, and is shown here for information only.

Date: 17 Jan 2023

Time: 13:00-14:00

Venue: zoom

How to set up an award assessment panel?
How to fill out assessment grid?
What questions to Ask?

This session will be for local City of Sanctuary groups to better understand how to run Sanctuary Award assessments for certain streams on their own. We will discuss setting up assessment panels, questions to ask, how to fill out the assessment grid, how to do awards certificates, and anything else that would allow local City of Sanctuary groups to run assessments for awards in streams where the national team has little capacity, such as gardens, faiths, shops, and some arts and libraries.

As the national team we always would like to know when an assessment is happening but also would like to give the capacity to local City of Sanctuary groups to run some of these award assessments.

You can find a recording of this event here: