Like music and food, football is a common and international language, providing opportunities for connecting people and creating well-being for asylum seekers whilst they wait in limbo for a Home Office decision. We are pleased to be working in partnership with the Football Association who have launched a partnership approach to working with refugees.
We suggest contacting your local FA in order to refer asylum seekers and refugees into the local Sports Leadership programs and potentially developing joint work in order to engage asylum seekers and refugees in football, to support integration and even language development.
Some City of Sanctuary groups have a sanctuary football team providing an important activity and opportunities for connection and sometimes tournaments bringing refugees together from different cities.
News and Examples

Football Unites, Racism Divides
A project in Sheffield running a range of football and other activities
A film on ‘Britishness’ commissioned by FURD
Amnesty Football Welcomes Project
Refugees and football – a database of who is doing what, where
A video from the FA about a football project in Preston