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City of Sanctuary is my life jacket

My name is Lubna. City of Sanctuary has been my life jacket⁣.
When I first arrived from Syria I was so shy, it felt like I could have sunk – but working alongside this kind and expert team has made me feel confident again.⁣
Earlier this year I graduated from the Sanctuary in Politics course where I learnt how to campaign, how to lobby my MP and how to fight for the change I want to see. I used my new skills to call for my local supermarket to stock halal food – six months later and guess what, the supermarket stocks halal! It feels like I’ve found my voice. ⁣
I am now a Sanctuary Ambassador and have also had the honour of participating in Sanctuary awards appraisals, providing feedback and thoughts to schools and theatres so they can become places of welcome for all. As someone who’s been through the asylum system, normally it is me who answers the questions, but in this process, it’s me. My voice is not only heard, it is valued and acted upon.
I am also now a trained peer-to-peer wellbeing support leader. This means I run an online group for people in the asylum system supporting them to look after their mental health. Being a refugee in this country, honestly, is incredibly tough. So my group boosts people’s resilience so they are able to fight another day.
City of Sanctuary is my second family. Today I ask you to support their work so more people like me get the warm welcome they need to start again in a new place.⁣
If you can, please do donate and help City of Sanctuary grow this movement of welcome. Thank you so much.⁣