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This is urgent #StopTheFlights

Our government plans to send people seeking sanctuary to Rwanda – the first flight is due to leave tomorrow.

These are fathers, brothers and sons who came to the UK hoping to reunite with family, find safety or the chance to rebuild. Instead, they are being shipped off to a place where they have no connection with and no family or friends, with a proven poor record on human rights.

It shouldn’t be necessary to explain why this is a horrible idea. It’s just obvious.

We have to fight this with everything we have. Here’s how you can get involved right now:

1) Tell the airlines: don’t remove people to Rwanda.

2) Call on your MP to take a stand.

3) Organisations are challenging the policy in court, but legal action takes money. Donate here and here.

4) Plan a local demonstration. Let us know and we will help publicise it. Here’s some inspiration from Liverpool.

Compassionate countries simply don’t trade in human beings. We believe in a country that welcomes those in need of safety.

Thank you for taking a stand.