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Sign Up / Join Day Of Action Friday 19th March

Freedom from Torture working with Asylum Matters, Refugee Action, Choose Love and Detention Action are organising a virtual Day of Action on Friday 19th March.  The Action is about the plight of people seeking sanctuary housed in army barracks away from communities and the need for a fair asylum system.

This is another opportunity to engage with your local MPs on refugee issues. Organisers of the Day of Action have produced a joint briefing for MPs which you can download here, and a lobby guide for supporters available here. They have also produced a standard email to MPs which you can adapt and can be accessed here.  The organisers are also organising a virtual rally which is likely to take place midway through the day on the 19th. More info on that soon!

In the spirit of our shared vision of creating welcome and safety for people seeking sanctuary, we encourage groups and the network to be involved in whatever way you can. Your involvement means you are calling your MP to:

  1. #CloseTheBarracks
  2. Commit to housing asylum seekers in communities
  3. Commit to a vision of a fair asylum system

For updates and more information on this Day of Action you can contact Freedom from Torture or Refugee Action.