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Widening Access Good Practice Examples from Scottish Universities

On Wednesday the 2nd of December, SCAPP (Scotland’s Community of Access and Participation Practitioners) and Universities of Sanctuary jointly held a second event for practitioners with an interest in improving refugees’ access to Higher Education in Scotland.

44 colleagues from Universities and Third Sector organisations across Scotland attended the event, where widening access good practice examples were presented by:

  • University of St Andrews, Joanna Fry and Harriet Sheridan: experience and learning from welcoming the first cohort of scholarship holders as a new University of Sanctuary
  • University of Glasgow, Martin Irwin and Paula Blair: acting as initial point of contact and information for potential refugee and asylum seeking applicants
  • University of Strathclyde, Louise Martin: mentoring programme for learners who are in the asylum process

There was clear enthusiasm for ongoing conversation – we intend therefore to continue collaborating with SCAPP, with a view to forming a community of practice for Widening Access and Participation colleagues in Scotland working on improving access to Higher Education for people seeking sanctuary.

If interested in future events or in joining the proposed community of practice, please contact [email protected] or [email protected].

See below for copies of presentation slides:

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