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Asylum Matters has  launched new resources focusing on the Asylum Accommodation and Support Contract (AASC) and the Advice, Issue Reporting and Eligibility (AIRE) contract. The campaign group says the aim of these resources is to support frontline organisations to help people seeking asylum to understand their rights and hold the providers to account in accordance with the contractual frameworks. They have created two posters which clearly set out the service standards in the contracts:

  • The first poster focuses on accommodation maintenance standards and the contractually required response and repair times for all defects reported to asylum accommodation providers.
  • The second sets out the requirements of the Advice, Information, Reporting and Eligibility (AIRE) service and the role and services covered by AIRE and contractual requirements of the service provider.

The posters are accompanied by guides to the AASC and AIRE contracts, which set out the contractual frameworks and provide more detail around the expectations and obligations of the service providers. You can find the guide to the AASC contract here and the guide to the AIRE contract here.

Asylum Matters  team will be distributing hard copies of the posters to regional partners so do get in touch with your Regional Campaigns Manager. But digital versions of the AASC poster here and the AIRE poster here, and the specs for printing here.