Asylum Matters are gathering evidence on the impact of asylum support rates. They have had a good response so far and thank all those who have been in touch. They are now looking for individual case studies. They have put together Support rates – Case Study Questions to ask of individuals, to gather specific information from them.

Asylum Matters have had offers from various organisations to collect this information in sessions with student social workers or volunteers in advice agencies and drop ins. In the past ESOL teachers, with the consent of the students, have used similar questions as a classroom resource to collect the evidence, so be creative!
They have now extended the deadline to 28th March in order to engage more people in providing a case study. These will be for the initial stage of writing a briefing for MPs. However, Asylum Matters will be happy to receive evidence and case studies after this date to feed into the Home Office review.
Please contact Emma Birks, Asylum Matters Campaigns Project Manager – West Midlands [email protected] for more information or to send your case studies.