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“You call me refugee”

A School of Sanctuary in Cardiff just shared this poem with us – and it has blown us away.

Inspired by Kate Milner’s wonderful book, My Name is not Refugee, this little boy decided to write a poem to tell his own story of having to leave his home in Ukraine and rebuild his life here in the UK.

Last year, this boy you see
he was not a refugee
but just a child, who loved to read
to walk his dog, along the street
the nights were loud, we had to flee
so now, you call me refugee
he is a child, may he be free
he could be you, that boy is me
but remember that, my name is not, refugee.

Our work with schools truly changes lives. Driven by teachers, school staff, parents, governors and community groups, our Schools of Sanctuary network supports the thousands of children and young people seeking sanctuary in the UK, raises awareness of the experiences of people seeking safety, and plays a key role in building a culture of kindness and compassion.⁣

We do this vital work on a shoe string. Please help us to keep going, chip into our fundraiser.